Thankful Souls Are Happy
A Reflection from “The Little Book of Holy Gratitude” by Fr. Frederick William Faber Thankful Souls Are Happy The love of gratitude is preeminently a
A Reflection from “The Little Book of Holy Gratitude” by Fr. Frederick William Faber Thankful Souls Are Happy The love of gratitude is preeminently a
“Simply reminding people of a rule of polite society isn’t really the gospel message.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Why do Christians need better conversations about contemplative prayer? This is because Christians have a special mission in the shipwreck of atheistic materialism.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“The greatest story ever told is the great drama of God with His people. It begins with the simple but awesome words, ‘In the beginning God…’ (Gen 1:1).”- Monsignor Charles Pope
“The Mass must be studied and intimately, by each layman seeking understanding of Christ in the “mysteries” of the Mass.” – Denise Trull
‘Both St. Therese and St. Mary Magdalene have personal vocations to proclaim the good news and the Mercy of God.” – Brittany Brosdahl
“The Lord is inviting us to regularly inspect our own fortress—our invaluable soul—to learn its vulnerabilities and build up our defenses with His help.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“I’ve heard it said to encourage those looking for a spouse, yet I think it works equally as well for those seeking a close friend: Run toward Christ, then see who’s running next to you.” – Emma Adams
“It is high time for all of us to think of ourselves and one another in truly human and personal terms. It is time for us to think of human beings primarily in terms of the heart.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“There is a vocation that precedes all the others. Before anything else, we are called to be loved by God.” – Claire Dwyer