Spiritual Direction
Recent Articles

Why Would a Saint Need Spiritual Direction?
“Every saint received their faith and their formation in the faith from God, through the mediation of others.” – Fr. John Bartunek

Prayer and Perseverance
“The more powerless and hopeless a soul feels, the greater the gift the Lord intends to give.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles

Pursuing Mystery
“We are beckoned into the ‘more’ of the Lord, invited to pursue Him layer after layer in all His facets and intricacies – ‘further up, further in,’ to borrow the words of C.S. Lewis.” – Jonna Schuster

The Blended Rosary: The Fifth Mysteries
“Today as we carry our own crosses, as we look upon the mystery of a small white host, as we wonder at times where God is and what He is doing, we can be sure that He is always doing the work of the Father and is always waiting to be found and recognized by us.” – Grace Abruzzo

How Can I Hear God Speaking to Me in Prayer?
“That image and those ideas are mine, insofar as they arise in my mind, but they are from God, insofar as they arose in response to my consideration of God’s revelation, in an atmosphere of faith.” – Fr. John Bartunek

Eternal Life: Rediscovering the Heart of Christianity
“Life isn’t some cruel spiritual scavenger hunt that keeps you guessing about God’s existence, personality, or purpose for your life.”- Simone Rizkallah

The Blended Rosary: The Fourth Mysteries
“Simeon rejoices to see the Savior—but the joy of the mystery is tempered as he speaks of the sorrow and suffering that will accompany this sign of contradiction.” – Grace Abruzzo

The Secret of Mary (Part 4)
“What is most important is that you love her, and what will be most helpful to you is finding the way in which you, with all your uniqueness and individuality, can love her best.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

The Truth about Hell
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “The Truth about Hell” as we speak with Patrick O’Hearn about Dan and Patrick’s new book

What is “Spiritual Reading”? How Do Busy People Find Time for It?
“If daily meditation is like the bread and butter of your spiritual diet, spiritual reading is your multivitamin supplement.” – Fr. John Bartunek

The Blended Rosary: The Third Mysteries
“It is this failure to meet expectations that leads, in part, to the Sorrowful Mysteries. Unlike the Magi who recognized royalty in the babe of Bethlehem, the soldiers in the Third Sorrowful Mystery do not recognize the king standing before them.” – Grace Abruzzo

Giving God Our Time and Tiredness: Early Morning Prayer as a Parent
“The only thing that changed was my perspective. I began to see that my tiredness was a small offering that I could make for my wife and daughter.” – Thomas Griffin

The Secret of Mary (Part 3)
“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

The Blended Rosary: The Second Mysteries
“In the Second Mystery, we see a new development closely linked to the first; extending outward and bringing in new witnesses. As the work of God is made manifest, we are invited to join those who witness.” – Grace Abruzzo

On Meditation
“Is God done raising up men and women of great prayer in his Church? Is a life devoted to meditation on the Word of God a thing of the past?” – Fr. James Brent