Spiritual Direction
Recent Articles
Gratitude is Always “In”
“Gratitude lifts you into a space that is beyond you.” – Sr. Mary Scholastica, O.C.D.
A Short Reflection on Pain
“Yes, suffering is painful; it is a fearsome grace of God but it is a grace.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
Book Review: Finding Peace in the Storm
“While reading Finding Peace in the Storm, I realized I was wishing away the pain and suffering we were going through.” – Sarah Damm
The Christian, an Unusual Person
To the extent that a Christian professes his faith and tries to live it, he becomes unusual to believers and unbelievers. This is because the
Finding Peace in the Storm Part 1
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Finding Peace in the Storm Part 1” as we talk with Jordan Burke about how everything
St. Athanasius: Pillar of the Church
“Let what was confessed by the Fathers of Nicaea prevail.” So wrote Athanasius to a philosopher in his final years. Even to this day, Catholics
This Present Paradise: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
“Elizabeth lived her life with constant awareness of the life of the Trinity within her. In the center of her soul, the ‘secret cellar,’ she found a bottomless depth of the divine.” – Claire Dwyer
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Humanality” as we talk with Andrew Laubacher about the nonprofit that helps people heal and detox
The Role of Asceticism in the Christian Spiritual Journey
A degree of asceticism is as necessary to the spiritual life as a degree of discomfort is necessary to the natural life. Just as the
Seek and Ye Shall Find
“The next time we are missing our keys, we may or may not be able to find them, but we will never be disappointed when it comes to asking for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives.” – Christine Hanus
The One Thing Necessary
“For each one of us to better assess the degree of love that may be present or absent in our life, I would like to propose a short examination for us regarding three areas of our life: prayer, relationships, and work.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
Solemnity of All Saints
“One thing only endures, for the humble and the great, the poor and the wealthy: the degree of love they had attained, to which corresponds the degree of glory which now renders them eternally happy.” -Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
Alone to Hell, Together to Heaven: The Power of Community Life Part 2 of 2
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Alone to Hell, Together to Heaven: The Power of Community Life Part 2 of 2” as
I Can’t Find a Spiritual Director Loyal to the Magisterium
“Even some saints had to endure long periods of time without a quality confessor or spiritual director. It was painful for them too, but God can handle that.” – Fr. John Bartunek
The Transformation of Pammachius
Pammachius, a friend of Jerome’s since they were teenagers studying in Rome, was the son of one of Rome’s most prominent and wealthy families. He