Spiritual Direction
Recent Articles

The Divine Indwelling: Finding God Within and the Spiritual Rebirth of Baptism (Part 3)
“To experience the reality of Baptism and all its fruits, including the Divine Indwelling, one must live out their baptism as fully and as deeply as possible.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed – All Souls’ Day
Jesus presents Himself to us today as the Good Shepherd who does not want to lose even one of His sheep, nor does He spare any pains to lead them all to salvation. – Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen

What’s Spiritual Gluttony? (Part I of II)
“God is infinite, so we will never come to know him so fully that nothing remains to discover. And yet sometimes we rebel against that reality.” – Fr. John Bartunek

Their Amen: The Feast of All Saints
“Imagine the glory of billions of new thoughts, stories, and insights that will come from being perfectly members of Christ and of one another. Imagine the peace that will come from understanding and being understood. This is deep, satisfying, wonderful communion—not crowds of strangers.” – Monsignor Charles Pope

Are You Going to Hell?
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Are You Going to Hell?” as we talk about Dan Burke’s upcoming book on what Jesus

The Divine Indwelling: Finding God Within and Spending Time in Stillness (Part 2)
“Whatever we find “out there,” even what we find “out there” that is of God, is never enough.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

Rules of Discernment: A Practical Guide – Rule 12
“St. Benedict leaves us with this sound advice from his renowned Rule: ‘As soon as wrongful thoughts come into your heart, dash them against Christ and disclose them to your spiritual father.’” – Megan Hjelmstad

7 Things To Do When Prayer Feels Dry
“There is an invitation given to us in what feels like a wasteland: Love God for God alone. ” – Claire Dwyer

Lessons from a Storm Part 2: Hurricanes and Human Connection
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Lessons from a Storm Part 2: Hurricanes and Human Connection” as we continue talking with Jason

Expectations in Prayer: Lessons from a Spiritual Director
“When we show up to pray, which is a time to be present to God because we love him, he shows up. Always.” – Deanna Bartalini

Rules of Discernment: A Practical Guide – Rule 11
“This is why St. Ignatius invites us to both humility and confidence in Rule Eleven, reminding us of God’s merciful grace in consolation and sufficient strength in desolation.” – Megan Hjelmstad

The Divine Indwelling: Finding God Within and St. Elizabeth of the Trinity (part 1)
“By realizing where God dwells, namely within us, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity is teaching us something that is crucial for our spiritual life: namely, that the spiritual life is ultimately an inside job.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock

Lessons from a Storm Part 1: Hurricanes and Human Connection
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Lessons from a Storm Part 1: Hurricanes and Human Connection” as we talk with Jason Craig

Rules of Discernment: A Practical Guide – Rule 10
“When we feel strong and consoled in our relationship with the Lord, it is the perfect time to earnestly beg His loving help for times of future weakness, doubt, and desolation.” – Megan Hjelmstad

Fruits of a Daily Rosary Drive
“Upon hearing these words I was convicted to make my drive devoted to the Rosary.” – Thomas Griffin