Spiritual Direction
Recent Articles

A Scriptural Litany and Rosary for Our Lady Seat of Wisdom
“Allow then these verses that speak of God’s Wisdom speak also of Mary who is “Seat of Wisdom” and, by God’s grace, a source of Wisdom for us who are all called to be formed into Christ.” – Monsignor Charles Pope

Behold the Lamb of God
“I asked myself: how many times have I lifted up the Lamb without really realizing what I was doing or saying?” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.

Coming Face-to-Face With God: Using Images in Prayer
“By use of our imagination, recalling images of sacred people and moments in salvation history gives us a tangible visualization to ponder in meditation.” – Debra Black

Rosary of Healing and Deliverance
“Pray with our Lady and allow her to remind you of God’s love even in difficult moments.” – Monsignor Charles Pope

St. Sharbel: Untie the Ropes!
“I willingly reorder so many things in my life and make great sacrifices – but resist and resist letting go of that last thing or two. It’s a false security, rooted in ungodly self-reliance and pride.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski

The Appropriate Names of the Holy Spirit
Tradition, the liturgy of the Church, and Sacred Scripture itself have given the Holy Spirit many names. He is called the Paraclete Spirit, Creator Spirit,

I Left Worldliness Behind
“The fear dissolved as I stepped out in trust. The ‘daily bread’ promised us has been mine ever since.” – Ann Virnig

Finding Peace in the Storm Part 3: God’s Will
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Finding Peace in the Storm Part 3: God’s Will” as we talk with Jordan Burke about

Guadalupe Should Change You
“It was not that I doubted the importance of the Mother of God on our faith; I simply never experienced her. That all changed when we arrived on the holy ground of this Marian apparition.” – Thomas Griffin

How to Know Oneself
To know oneself is not easy. This may seem a rather paradoxical statement, since according to general belief everyone knows himself best. But one needs,

They Called Me “Nuke”
“’Are you always going to be motivated by anger?’ He asked. In that moment, the Holy Spirit ripped into me. My heart was torn open.” – Dan Burke

Social Media Persecution
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Social Media Persecution” as we talk with Sr. Kristen Gardner about the recent deletion of Sr.

Advent: A Sacred Ache
“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it. I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer

Can I Trust Hallow? – The Voice of Liam Neeson and the Voice Heard in Ramah
“The same voice that was heard in anti-Catholic, pro-abortion video advertisements in Ireland will be offering prayerful reflections to Catholics this sacred season.” – Dan Burke

St. Alphonsus Liguori’s Reflections on the Eucharist
One of Alphonsus’s most beautiful writings is his Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, written in 1745, when he was in his fifties. This was his