The Custom Made Cross
When God chooses our penance, it is far more powerful than any cross we pick up ourselves. Claire Dwyer reflects on passive purification.
When God chooses our penance, it is far more powerful than any cross we pick up ourselves. Claire Dwyer reflects on passive purification.
What difficulties do we find to supernatural obedience … and how can we overcome them? Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Spiritual Direction Process and Index of Posts Finding, Selecting, and Initiating a Spiritual Direction Relationship How do I find and select a spiritual director? How
What do you do when you are pretty sure your root sin is pride (based on self-reflection, common sins in confession, etc…) but your spiritual
I have a bit of my own foolishness to share with you today. In my book on spiritual direction (scheduled to go to print late