“To desire and not yet possess; to wait for the fulfillment of desire – it is perhaps one of the hardest human things to do, and the most worthwhile.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“To desire and not yet possess; to wait for the fulfillment of desire – it is perhaps one of the hardest human things to do, and the most worthwhile.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“In calling us to forgive, God is offering us the gift to be free of a great deal of poison and of a costly emotional state that robs us of joy and strength.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“A commitment we have previously discerned is our predetermined weapon; it is our confidence in employing it that can make all the difference when the spiritual battle heats up.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“With heavenly matters, we must sometimes wait patiently, for years, until God chooses, in His own perfect timing, to act.” – Glenn Dickinson
“How has Jesus used you to unstop the ears of the deaf, communicate His word, and liberate the tongues of others?” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“I began to feel unwell; a chronic illness flareup had come out of nowhere. By the next morning, I was doubled over in pain.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“What the word divinization attempts to describe is essentially the process of holiness, whereby our human nature becomes transformed by divine grace.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“As we persevere against one desolation, it’s not uncommon for Satan to pivot and distract us with another.” – Megan Hjelmstad
A Reflection from “The Church in the Storms” by Roberto de Mattei Christianity and the Roman Empire We live in an age of crisis in
“We are damaged, yes, but we are ‘very good,’ and the Lord never stops pursuing us.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski