Category: FEATURED

Forgiveness: Counting the Cost

“Sometimes we just don’t want to forgive. The hurt can be so deep. The damage can be so lasting – or perhaps ongoing.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


Five Images of the Holy Spirit from Scripture

“Since Pentecost is approaching, we will consider some of the biblical images for the Holy Spirit, and in so doing, strive to learn more about what God the Holy Spirit does for us.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


Thou Shalt Renew the Face of the Earth

“However, for the rest of us, the Spirit’s fruits seen in our actions are preceded by a change in our perspective, a perspective that differs in its clarity and purity because our eyes now see with Love. These fruits become our attitude.” – Debra Black


Faith of Our Grandmothers

“Sarah’s grandmother — surely a devout church lady – one whom I had never met, taught me something: pain can be directed; It can be purpose-filled.” – FB Smit


Love, True Love

“Motherhood calls us to a mature understanding of love, which is deeply satisfying.” – Christine Hanus


Motherhood and Our Blessed Mother

“Oh how the devil hates this beautiful gift of motherhood! In every age, he renews his assault against it, and against the precious daughters of God who are called to it.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


Prayer in Early Christianity

When we consider how important prayer is for the life of the Church, it is very surprising just how little the Church fathers and mothers


Healing and the Holy Spirit

“Only Jesus, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, can liberate us. He breaks our chains, rolls away the stone that is blocking our self-created tomb, calls us forth, unbinds us and pulls off the masks that have obscured our vision.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


Daily Bread

“Jesus Christ did not come into the world to give us the grace to do it all, but to liberate us from the illusion that we possibly can. This opens up the hope that God will always provide, and the vision to see that He already, always has—not in color-coded schedules, but in a creative brilliance of unpredictable days as only He can.” – Claire Dwyer

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