Nurturing a Culture of Silence in the Modern World
Pope Benedict XVI saw the need for an education in silence in our time: “Ours is not an age which fosters recollection; at times one
Pope Benedict XVI saw the need for an education in silence in our time: “Ours is not an age which fosters recollection; at times one
“This is the wealth that exposes the bankruptcy of Satan’s lies. It is the currency of heaven.” – Fr. Boniface Hicks
“The deepest and most beautiful pathway of prayer is opened up in the Triduum. Each liturgy opens into an even deeper silence in the fullness of God.” – Anthony Lilles
“It is important to ‘own’ our sin. But it is also important to stand in awe of Him who in that very same moment has chosen to suffer the consequence of it.” – Debra Black
“Fear is a normal human emotion. But when fear of that happening again takes over and hops into the driver’s seat, we stifle the capacity to receive, to grow, and to bear fruit.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“By the end of the rosary, all seven psalms have been prayed, with Mary! She doesn’t need them, but we do and she is surely happy to pray them with us.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
The role Job played in the salvation of his friends may be interpreted as prefiguring both the Church and Christ. The friends, according to St.
“To be redeemed does not mean to be injury-free, at least in this life. But it does mean that our wounds must touch the One Who was wounded for us.” – Glenn Dickinson
“Though I still frequently have the sense that I have lost a piece of myself, the reality is quite different. As I allow God to work in this loss, I am becoming more myself.” – Kimberly Andrich
Surely there are few more endearing characters in all biblical and literary history than Job. Mankind universally identifies with the conundrum of innocent suffering and