Anthony Lilles

Anthony Lilles, STD, a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, completed his graduate and post-graduate studies in Rome at the Angelicum. His expertise is in Saint Elisabeth of the Trinity and the Carmelite Doctors of the Church. He is currently a professor of spiritual theology at St Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, CA. Previously he was a founding faculty member of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, and afterwards an associate professor at St John’s Seminary for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In 2012, Discerning Hearts published his book “Hidden Mountain, Secret Garden: A Theological Contemplation on Prayer,”. Through Emmaus Press, he and Dan Burke wrote “30 Days with Teresa of Avila”and Living the Mystery of Merciful Love: 30 Days with Therese of Lisieux. . And, his book “Fire from Above” was published in 2016 by Sophia Institute Press. Prof. Lilles assisted Dan Burke in founding the Avila Institute and the High Calling Program for priestly vocations. He podcasts at, offers retreats to religious communities, gives spiritual conferences and lectures on the Catholic Spiritual Tradition.

Articles By Anthony Lilles

Prayer and Perseverance

“The more powerless and hopeless a soul feels, the greater the gift the Lord intends to give.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


Hypostatic Union – Mystical Union

“Prayer that binds this poverty of spirit around itself like swaddling clothes gives God the space and freedom to manifest anew Divine Humility at work in humble humanity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


A New Approach to Spiritual Theology

“Mystagogy is a moment of post-baptismal catechesis in which the sacramental encounter with Christ is deepened and one seeks spiritual maturity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


The Living Bread

“Without the bread, without strength for the heart, the journey is too long.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


Renunciation and Praise

“(St. Elisabeth of the Trinity) understood the connection between renunciation and praise — Praise is the radiance of the splendor of God in a soul, the showing forth of His attributes in the world. In her thought, renunciation creates a precondition that allows such a collaboration with God to be realized.” – Anthony Lilles


Divine Mercy and Habitare Secum

“To learn to live with ourselves – this is to look at those places in our lives in which evil has a foothold and to offer these to God so that we can realize in ourselves how Divine Mercy is the limit of evil.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles

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