Prayer and Perseverance
“The more powerless and hopeless a soul feels, the greater the gift the Lord intends to give.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“The more powerless and hopeless a soul feels, the greater the gift the Lord intends to give.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Each epiphany unveils what Tolkien coined as a Eucatastrophe — the sudden happy ending that we were hoping for all along but that seemed so impossible.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Prayer that binds this poverty of spirit around itself like swaddling clothes gives God the space and freedom to manifest anew Divine Humility at work in humble humanity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Mystagogy is a moment of post-baptismal catechesis in which the sacramental encounter with Christ is deepened and one seeks spiritual maturity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Why do Christians need better conversations about contemplative prayer? This is because Christians have a special mission in the shipwreck of atheistic materialism.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Without the bread, without strength for the heart, the journey is too long.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“(St. Elisabeth of the Trinity) understood the connection between renunciation and praise — Praise is the radiance of the splendor of God in a soul, the showing forth of His attributes in the world. In her thought, renunciation creates a precondition that allows such a collaboration with God to be realized.” – Anthony Lilles
“Saints flee the world only to become icons extending Christ’s atoning love.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“To learn to live with ourselves – this is to look at those places in our lives in which evil has a foothold and to offer these to God so that we can realize in ourselves how Divine Mercy is the limit of evil.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“The deepest and most beautiful pathway of prayer is opened up in the Triduum. Each liturgy opens into an even deeper silence in the fullness of God.” – Anthony Lilles