How Do We Remain in the Word?
What does it mean to remain in Him, and how do we keep His word? It requires a painful process of pruning, Dr. Anthony Lilles explains.
What does it mean to remain in Him, and how do we keep His word? It requires a painful process of pruning, Dr. Anthony Lilles explains.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on the power of contemplative prayer in a soul ready to embrace sacrifice, renunciation, and humility.
Dr. Anthony Lilles expounds on the battle of contemplative prayer in reclaiming the heart of the Church.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reminds us that an army of angels stands at the side of the Church militant, to safeguard, encourage, guide and warn us.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on true Christian prayer and how it draws us into relationship with the Holy Trinity.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on how we must hear the cry of the poor if we are truly to enter into the joy of Christmas, which will soon be here!
As we spend Advent in preparation for Jesus’ coming at Christmas, Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on the guilt and self-contradiction of sin and its effects on us.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reviews Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen’s “The Way of Prayer” (2nd edition), a practical commentary on St. Teresa of Avila’s “Way of Perfection” which was just published.
Cardinal Van Thuan of Vietnam didn’t always think of his physical and spiritual trials as blessings. Find out more about this holy man who was declared “Venerable” by Pope Francis yesterday.
How is Christ’s Resurrection from the dead an expression of God’s merciful love? Dr. Anthony Lilles contemplates the triumph of mercy and the grace, the hope, the freedom, which Easter brings to humanity.