Exorcist Diary: Demonic Dreams
“People often tell me that they are suffering from demonic dreams. I am always a bit skeptical. But this one caught my eye.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“People often tell me that they are suffering from demonic dreams. I am always a bit skeptical. But this one caught my eye.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“We have confidence in the victory of Christ’s death and resurrection, and we believe that when we use this relic in faith, the Lord generously imparts a special grace. The witness of the demons gives us additional confidence in its authenticity and its graced power.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
Sometimes, masked within the deceptive trappings of an OCD disorder, an actual attack by the Evil One. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti explains.
Praying the blessing before meals may be more important than you think.
Do demons get reinforcements?
Demons maintain their strict angelic hierarchy in hell and demand slavish subservience from lower ranking demons. They do so by threats and beatings, even among their own kind. Don’t believe it?
Monsignor Rossetti reveals what can be the real cause of household disturbances.
Another inside look at exorcism from Monsignor Rossetti
Why do demons choke people? Another excerpt from the diary of an exorcist.
The Name of Jesus has incredible power.