This Scandal is the Last Straw — Why Stay in the Catholic Church?
Listen as Dan Burke explains what keeps him in the Church, despite the flaws of its people.
Listen as Dan Burke explains what keeps him in the Church, despite the flaws of its people.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview Dr. Christopher Blum on his book “A Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in the Age of Distraction”.
A holy pilgrimage is one of the most powerful ways we can break out of the noise and renew our ability to hear God’s voice. Dan Burke shares why he is so passionate about pilgrimages…and why you should make time for them.
Invite Dan Burke and Melissa Elson into your home as they interview author and speaker Gary Zimak on his book “Stop Worrying & Start Living” and learn how to achieve peace in a troubled world.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson respond to questions on establishing a consistent prayer time, discerning God’s voice in prayer, and growing in holiness.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson discuss what to do when the news media disturbs your peace and causes anxiety and preoccupation.
How can the world news affect our lives? How does one determine if he or she is experiencing spiritual aridity? Dan Burke and Melissa Elson answer these questions.
Dan continues his wonderful two-part interview of Fr. Jacques Philippe about establishing a successful prayer life and entering into contemplation.
What does our vocation, or calling, have to do with freedom and peace? Find out as Catholic therapist Allison Ricciardi reflects on both today.
What keeps us from growing in holiness? How do we remedy that? Find out in this excerpt from the “Imitation of Christ” by Thomas a Kempis.