Piercing Peace
“This is peace: resting in God even when the world is chaotic, your mind touting a list of to-dos and many people calling for your attention.” – Nichole Berlucchi
“This is peace: resting in God even when the world is chaotic, your mind touting a list of to-dos and many people calling for your attention.” – Nichole Berlucchi
“As I opened the door to leave, her faint but calm voice cried out, ‘Father!’ ‘Yes, sister,’ I said and turned towards her. ‘God is certain, do not be afraid of anything,’ she said.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Why have I have been praying before the Virgin of the Ukraine for years?” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
What does it actually mean to ‘saunter’? Do we feel the freedom to do so?
Join us as we discuss the Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Peace! The newest episode of the Saints and Sages podcast!
“Am I not here, I who am your mother?” We have nothing to fear.
Leila Miller shares wisdom from Fr. John Hardon: there can be no peace of heart without peace of mind.
St. Therese’s way of abandonment to God lightens every burden of day-to-day life by enabling us to place every worldly care into His hands.
St. Rita was “small in stature but great in holiness, who lived in humility and is now known throughout the world for her heroic Christian life as a wife, mother, widow and nun.” – Pope St. John Paul II
How Can I Find Peace in this Noisy World? | Spiritual Reflections – Are there ways we can adjust how we live in order to increase our peace or prayerfulness even in the midst of a busy environment?