From Grief to Grace
Dan Burke & Melissa Elson talk with Jeannie Ewing about her book “From Grief to Grace” and understanding God’s will in difficult situations.
Dan Burke & Melissa Elson talk with Jeannie Ewing about her book “From Grief to Grace” and understanding God’s will in difficult situations.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview author Jeannie Ewing about her book “From Grief to Grace: The Journey from Tragedy to Triumph” and how we can cope with such in a healthy, faithful way.
On this Good Friday, meditate with Pope Saint Leo the Great on one of his homilies on the Passion of the Lord and God’s great mercy.
How and why does suffering have value? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
Why do we raise the crucifix? As we begin Passiontide today, Charlie Johnson reflects on how the crucifix reminds us of the strength Christ gives us to bear our crosses … and how the crucifix strikes terror in the evil one.
How is God’s will for us manifested? And, what is the value of obedience to that will? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
Can we be selfish and truly happy at the same time? Father Michael Najim reflects on the solution to our sorrow.
What’s it like to be the mother of a seminarian? Find out when Jo Fleming reflects…and shares her spiritual journey.
Why is our Blessed Mother Mary called Our Lady of Sorrows? Find out when St. Bernard of Clairvaux reflects on this liturgical memorial.
What does loving the Cross truly mean? Find out in a meditation by St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), OCD, on this Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.