Dozing Off to Sleep and the Power of the Cross
What does the memorial of Saint Helena have to do with evangelization? Find out when Dr. Joseph Hollcraft shares a reflection on the relevance of the Cross in our lives.
What does the memorial of Saint Helena have to do with evangelization? Find out when Dr. Joseph Hollcraft shares a reflection on the relevance of the Cross in our lives.
What might the dark night look like for a priest? For that matter, what might the dark night look like for anyone? Find out in this profoundly moving video “The Cross of Father DiAngelo” by Richard K. Carlton, on this memorial of St. John Vianney, patron of priests, confessors and pastors.
What is the difference between sadness and discouragement? Why is one OK in the spiritual life and the other not? Find out when Father John Bartunek reflects on how these things affect evangelization and spiritual life.
What does Pope Leo the Great have to say about the Resurrection of the Lord? Find out by reading one of his great Easter homilies today.
The Cross exemplifies every virtue. How is that possible? What does Christ teach from His mercy seat? Find out when St. Thomas Aquinas guides us in this reflection.
What does the Lord’s passion mean for us? Find out when Pope Saint Leo the Great guides us in a Holy Week meditation.
What is perfect brotherly love? Find out in this excerpt from “Mirror of Love” by Saint Aelred from the first week of Lent.
How can changing the way you say things help your spiritual journey? Find out when Charlotte Ostermann explains how a subtle shift in perspective aligns us more closely with the freedom Christ won for us.
How can we be hidden with Christ in God, as St Paul says? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on St Teresa Margaret of the Heart of Jesus’ spirituality regarding this.
What two realities do St Alphonsus Liguori’s Stations of the Cross blend together? Find out when Trent Beattie explains how this Way of the Cross confronts the reality of the Passion in a salutory way.