Friday of the Passion of the Lord: The Cross Exemplifies Every Virtue
The Cross exemplifies every virtue. How is that possible? What does Christ teach from His mercy seat? Find out when St. Thomas Aquinas guides us in this reflection.
The Cross exemplifies every virtue. How is that possible? What does Christ teach from His mercy seat? Find out when St. Thomas Aquinas guides us in this reflection.
What, or who, is the mysterious slain Lamb of the Passover? Find out in this meditation from the Liturgy of the Hours from a homily by St Melito of Sardis.
What does the Lord’s passion mean for us? Find out when Pope Saint Leo the Great guides us in a Holy Week meditation.
What is perfect brotherly love? Find out in this excerpt from “Mirror of Love” by Saint Aelred from the first week of Lent.
How do the Gospels of Holy Week help us celebrate the Sacred Triduum? Why are they important? Find out when Fr Michael Najim’s reflections lead into deeper prayer.
Why is Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem so important? What’s going on here? Find out when Jimmy Akin highlights nine things to know and share!
Holy Saturday “Jesus did not descend into hell to deliver the damned, nor to destroy the hell of damnation, but to free the just who
To the Feet of the Crucified One (This is the translation of the original Spanish version, which follows below) White roses I’ve brought to the
Veronica’s Veil Veronica could not compete with the roaring, raucous mob, Though no one heard her plea to move, she pushed with one last sob.
Entering into Holy Week Holy Week, the most important week of the liturgical year, is upon us. To help us prepare, Dan and Melissa discuss some