To the Feet of the Crucified One

To the Feet of the Crucified One
(This is the translation of the original Spanish version, which follows below)


White roses I’ve brought
to the feet of the Savior,
to those feet that have walked
the road of pain He trod.


Drops of blood have fallen
and trickle flower to flower.
The roses have been converted
into a bouquet of love [a bower]!

DetailFromRosa3Red, very bright red
and of a piercing scent;
the flowers have not understood
the color change they underwent.

AlbrechtAltdorferChristCrucifixionSceneDetailFmChristOnTheCrossWithMaryAndJohn018It’s three o’clock on a long-ago Friday,
and in the Body of the Lord,
the wounds have reopened,
and the sweat has been restored.

SacredHeartHolyCard2It’s that my God has wanted
to instruct the sinner
that for love He has come:
Jesus Christ, Redeemer.

poetry by Ailut
Good Friday, April 3, 1953
(Good Friday falls on April 3rd this year, the first time since this poem was written)
Translation of “A Los Pies del Crucificado” poetry by Ailut: copyright 2015,
Elizabeth Estler, all rights reserved, used with permission.

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A_TusPiesMaestroAtYourFeetMaster for Post on To the Feet of the Crucified One

Rosas blancas he traí­do
a los pies del Salvador,
a esos pies que han recorrido
el camino del dolor.

DetailFromEvaGonzalesRosesDansUnVerreGotas de sangre han caído,
y destilan flor a flor.
Las rosas se han convertido
en ramillete de amor.

DetailFromRosa3Rojo, muy rojo subido
y penetrante su olor;
las flores no han comprendido
cómo han cambiado el color.

AlbrechtAltdorferChristCrucifixionSceneDetailFmChristOnTheCrossWithMaryAndJohn018Son las tres de un viernes ido,
y en el Cuerpo del Señor
las llagas se han removido,
y se renueva el sudor.

SacredHeartHolyCard2Es que mi Dios ha querido
enseñarle al pecador,
que por amor ha venido
Jesucristo Redentor.


Poesí­a de Ailut
Viernes de Dolores de 1953
tercero de abril
(Hoy es la primera vez que el Viernes Santo cae en el día 3 de abril desde 1953)
Poesía original en español de Ailut: derechos de autor 2015, Elizabeth Estler, todos derechos reservados, usado con permiso.


Poetry by Ailut: copyright 2015, Elizabeth Estler, all rights reserved, used with permission.
Poesía de Ailut: derechos de autor 2015, Elizabeth Estler, todos derechos reservados, usado con permiso.

Art: A Tus Pies Maestro (At Your Feet Master), Hector Valverde, 16 December 2014, CCA-SA; Detail from Roses dan une verre (Roses in a glass), Eva Gonzalès, 1880-1882, PD-US; Detail from Rosa, MayaSimFan, 30 June 2007, CCA-SA; Detail from Kreuzigung, Szene: Christus am Kreuz mit Maria und Johannes (Detail from Crucifixion Scene: Christ on the Cross with Mary and John), Albrecht Aldorfer, 1515-1516, PD-Worldwide; Sacred Heart Holy Card, undated, Jim Capaldi, 2009-09-24, PD-US copyright expired; all Wikimedia Commons.

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