The Gift of Love
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the Eucharist, the gift of Love, instituted by Christ on Holy Thursday night.
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the Eucharist, the gift of Love, instituted by Christ on Holy Thursday night.
Why should we not fear the end of our mortal lives? What example does Christ’s death on the Cross give to us?
As we begin Holy Week, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross meditates on the good that comes from desiring and carrying the Cross.
What happened on Holy Saturday, which we profess in the Creed every Sunday and Solemnity? Reflect with this video by Theophilus Peregrinus of “An Ancient Homily on Holy Saturday”, the second reading of today’s Liturgy of the Hours’ Office of Readings.
How did Jesus heal our wounds? As our meditation for Good Friday, Bishop Theodoret of Cyr reflects in an excerpt from a treatise he wrote.
How does the way of the Cross conform us to Christ? Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
On this Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, we begin Holy Week with this prayer from St. Bridget of Sweden which recalls the Paschal Mystery we are about to celebrate.
On this Good Friday, meditate with Pope Saint Leo the Great on one of his homilies on the Passion of the Lord and God’s great mercy.
The Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, the sacrament which Jesus established on the night of the Last Supper: Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
What do the blessed palms we receive today represent? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on Passion Sunday today, as we begin Holy Week.