Category: Faith

Faith of Our Grandmothers

“Sarah’s grandmother — surely a devout church lady – one whom I had never met, taught me something: pain can be directed; It can be purpose-filled.” – FB Smit


With God, it is Always Yes

“As God’s yes began to take root in my life, it expanded my heart and increased my desire to choose His will and His timing. His yes called me out of myself and my own plans.” – Sarah Damm


Exorcist Diary: Relic of the True Cross?

“We have confidence in the victory of Christ’s death and resurrection, and we believe that when we use this relic in faith, the Lord generously imparts a special grace. The witness of the demons gives us additional confidence in its authenticity and its graced power.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


Exorcist Diary: Magic vs. Faith

“The difference between faith and magic is fundamental. The Christian trusts in God and humbly receives all graces from God, as He wills. The practitioner of magic and the occult attempts to control spiritual forces and access hidden knowledge, thus trying to gain the desired power and benefits.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


I Believe in You

“Offer Him your unbounded confidence, trusting in His work, and tell Him, at every moment, that you believe in Him.” – Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell

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