Credit to the Man
“The credit belongs to the man actually in the arena.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Are you in the arena?

Touching the Risen One
A powerful reflection on faith by Dr. David Arias for this Ascension Thursday.

Faith–or Feelings?
Feelings are, in the end, just feelings. They are a gift, but they cannot last—they must give way in order for us to grow in the holy virtue of faith. Faith is an entirely free gift of God–but it is something to be asked for, assented to, nourished, and practiced. Or else we can find ourselves “shipwrecked.” (I Timothy 1:19) Claire Dwyer continues her series.

From Fear to Faith on Easter Morning
John’s hurried journey to the empty tomb on Easter morning took him to a greater destination: belief. Monsignor Charles Pope reflects on the Gospel.

No Gods Before Me: Leaving Merton Behind
Rob Marco gives an inspiring account of how he came to reject the tainted waters of Buddhist practices mixed with Catholic beliefs.

Against Falseness, Against Fakeness
Andrew McNabb reflects on the only solution to the evil of the falseness we confront every day.

How Can I Repay the Lord?
Has the Avila Foundation blessed you this year?

The Power of Faith
How is faith powerful? Find out what Jesus has to say about it!

128. Blind Eyes, Seeing Heart (Mark 10:46-52)
What are the three lessons we are taught in the story of Jesus’ cure of blind Bartimaeus? Find out in this excerpt from Fr. John Bartunek’s meditation book “The Better Part” … as a preparation for this coming Sunday’s Gospel reading.