Petitionary Prayer
“What would happen if everyone in the Church began offering rosaries, holy hours, novenas, and other sorts of prayers for themselves or their loved ones to grow in sanctifying grace?”- Fr. James Brent
“What would happen if everyone in the Church began offering rosaries, holy hours, novenas, and other sorts of prayers for themselves or their loved ones to grow in sanctifying grace?”- Fr. James Brent
“When we ask someone else to pray for us, we allow them to intercede for us in a meaningful, necessary way.” – Deanna Bartalini
“Grilles, distance, time, nothing, it seems to me, will be able to separate our souls; for we love each other in God, and in Him, there is no separation!” Claire Dwyer shares on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Communion of Saints.
Does celebrating all the saints in heaven (canonized and uncanonized), today, increase their honor? Does it do anything for us? Find out from this excerpt of a sermon by St Bernard the abbot, from the Liturgy of the Hours today.
EWTN Bookmark show host Doug Keck interviews Dan Burke on his book “The Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila”, which Dan wrote with Connie Rossini.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson answer listener’s questions on prayer, intercession, repetitive prayer, spiritual desolation, and internet addiction on this installment of Divine Intimacy Radio.
True Prayer 30 Days with Teresa of Avila Day 22 Reflections Divine Intimacy Radio Dan and Melissa discuss the impact of suffering on prayer and
Editor’s Note: October is the month dedicated to the rosary. This month we are pleased to offer you two posts which may give you a