Prayer, Spiritual Desolation, and Internet Addiction
Description: Join Dan Burke and Melissa Elson as they answer your questions about prayer commitments, incorporating intercessions into our prayer time, repetitious prayer, spiritual desolation, and internet addiction.
Topics/Questions covered in the show:
- If we struggle with establishing a morning prayer routine, what can we do to be more successful?
- We must condition our bodies to wake and sleep at the same time each day.
- We need clarity, community, and accountability to be more successful with prayer commitments.
- How should we handle failure?
- Is it normal for prayer to feel very repetitious?
- Should we separate mental prayer time from prayer for petitions?
- How can we pray most effectively for others?
- What can we do if we feel alone or separated from God?
- How can we overcome a Facebook or internet addiction which leads us to delay our prayers or skip them all together?
Detail of Prière du Chapelet (Rosaire) MoocFunWikiDex, 18 March 2016 What is the Freedom app and how can it help get an internet addiction under control?
- – website
- EWTN Global Catholic Radio
- Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation
- EWTN Religious Catalogue – online
- Into the Deep – Finding Peace Through Prayer by Dan Burke
- The Better Part by Fr. John Bartunek
- Questions? Send an e-mail to or call 818-646-7729. Please leave your name, location, and question(s).
What is Divine Intimacy Radio?
The Divine Intimacy Radio Show is a haven of rest and wellspring of spiritual life for those seeking intimacy with God and the enlightened path of Catholic mystical and ascetical wisdom. Every week, Dan Burke and Melissa Elson explore topics related to the interior life and Catholic teaching, including prayer, spiritual direction, meditation, contemplation, and holiness.
Divine Intimacy Radio Show and EWTN!
This radio show can also be heard every Sunday on EWTN Radio, Sundays at 6:30 am, 1:30 pm, and 11:00 pm Eastern time. We are grateful to EWTN for their support!