Aridity and Progress
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explores aridity and progress.
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explores aridity and progress.
A prayer from St. Augustine on aridity is provided for our meditation today, from SpiritualDirection.com.
Melissa Elson interviews contemplative prayer expert Connie Rossini on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book “Time for God” regarding ways we can enter into, and sustain, a deep and meaningful prayer life.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson discuss aridity, prayer methods and the examen prayer in this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio.
On this edition of Divine Intimacy Radio, Dan Burke & Melissa Elson address the differences between the Protestant and Catholic understanding of salvation, the scapular, and spiritual darkness.
How can the world news affect our lives? How does one determine if he or she is experiencing spiritual aridity? Dan Burke and Melissa Elson answer these questions.
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explores aridity and progress in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Can the desert be a place of encounter with God? Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles reflect on the possibilities.
What might the dark night look like for a priest? For that matter, what might the dark night look like for anyone? Find out in this profoundly moving video “The Cross of Father DiAngelo” by Richard K. Carlton, on this memorial of St. John Vianney, patron of priests, confessors and pastors.
A comprehensive listing of SpiritualDirection.com posts, and their links, on aridity and dryness in prayer (and a few posts on the dark night that touch on aridity and dryness).