The Meaning of Divinization
“God’s secret purpose for creating the world was to divinize human beings by grace.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“God’s secret purpose for creating the world was to divinize human beings by grace.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“It is time for everyone in the Church today to wake up to the reality that the first Christians knew so vividly. It is time to become aware of the grace of the Name dwelling in our hearts.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.
“Satan is called the ‘Father of Lies,’ (Jn 8:44), Mendacii Pater in the Rite of Exorcism. I have noticed that demons will sometimes visibly react when the phrase Mendacii Pater is spoken aloud in the Rite.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
Overcoming Sinful Thoughts W/Fr. Morrow | Discussion You can purchase your own copy of the book here: Promo Code: DTHT20 Find more about Fr. Morrow
“Christ does not delay when we hand all it to Him. His is the paradoxical response, the response of His Divine Mercy, in which the forgiveness we offer heals our own hearts.” – Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell
Ask a Priest Pt. 1 W/Fr. MacDonald | Discussion Today’s show we answer questions on: -How to make a good confession, and how often should I
“Running from pain causes us to develop internal coping mechanisms that atrophy our souls and wear at unsuspecting parts of our spirits.” – Megan Hjelmstad
What are the 25 Secrets of Spiritual Struggle that Jesus revealed to St. Faustina?
Feelings Feeling is a force God gives you for willing and working with greater energy and constancy. But, like steam in a locomotive, it is
“If we want Ash Wednesday Catholics to become All Sunday Catholics, maybe we can learn to build on what brings them in the first place and be less anxious to echo the opening words of Jesus’ public ministry, ‘Repent and Believe the Gospel!’” – Monsignor Charles Pope