From “They” to “I” in Prayer
“When I hear myself using ‘they’ in prayer or conversation with my spiritual director I know I am hiding from something.” – Deanna Bartalini
“When I hear myself using ‘they’ in prayer or conversation with my spiritual director I know I am hiding from something.” – Deanna Bartalini
“He sees your heart, and he will provide chances for you to have the faith experiences and times of silence and prayer that you would really like to plan into your vacation schedule.” -Fr. John Bartunek
“Vacation is meant to provide necessary rest from and rejuvenation for the normal, meaningful, but draining activities of daily life; it is not meant to separate us from God or be pause on our journey towards deeper communion with him.” – Fr. John Bartunek
“The physical pleasures associated with gluttony, lust, and sloth are obvious. We are less aware of the spiritualized forms of these capital sins.” – Father John Bartunek
“God is infinite, so we will never come to know him so fully that nothing remains to discover. And yet sometimes we rebel against that reality.” – Fr. John Bartunek
“When we show up to pray, which is a time to be present to God because we love him, he shows up. Always.” – Deanna Bartalini
“There is a restlessness in your soul, and you seek out a director who will guide you in your desire to know God.” – Deanna Bartalini
“To desire and not yet possess; to wait for the fulfillment of desire – it is perhaps one of the hardest human things to do, and the most worthwhile.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Consider whether God is calling you to add, subtract, shift, or simplify certain commitments so that you can meet Him with greater vulnerability and consistency.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Different spiritual directors will have different gifts and insights, just as different coaches have different styles of coaching – not necessarily better or worse, just different. For consistent growth, we need to follow consistent guidance.” -Father John Bartunek.