What’s Spiritual Gluttony? (Part II of II)
“The physical pleasures associated with gluttony, lust, and sloth are obvious. We are less aware of the spiritualized forms of these capital sins.” – Father John Bartunek
“The physical pleasures associated with gluttony, lust, and sloth are obvious. We are less aware of the spiritualized forms of these capital sins.” – Father John Bartunek
“God is infinite, so we will never come to know him so fully that nothing remains to discover. And yet sometimes we rebel against that reality.” – Fr. John Bartunek
“When we show up to pray, which is a time to be present to God because we love him, he shows up. Always.” – Deanna Bartalini
“There is a restlessness in your soul, and you seek out a director who will guide you in your desire to know God.” – Deanna Bartalini
“To desire and not yet possess; to wait for the fulfillment of desire – it is perhaps one of the hardest human things to do, and the most worthwhile.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Consider whether God is calling you to add, subtract, shift, or simplify certain commitments so that you can meet Him with greater vulnerability and consistency.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Different spiritual directors will have different gifts and insights, just as different coaches have different styles of coaching – not necessarily better or worse, just different. For consistent growth, we need to follow consistent guidance.” -Father John Bartunek.
“Coupled with the meditations of the Exercises, healing takes place and self-reliance is slowly replaced with God-reliance. The enemy loses his hold on them.” – Debra Black
“Once I realized that some of my greatest strengths had shadow sides, that pride lurked behind my drive to accomplish even good and holy goals, I was able to finally recognize what my spiritual fathers could see clearly.” – Dan Burke
“You may have the impression that spiritual direction is only for spiritual marines.” – Fr. John Bartunek