Category: Spiritual Direction

Is the Occasion of Sin a Sin?

“In those cases where I can easily avoid something that I know will be a very strong temptation for me, I need to do what I can to avoid it.” – Fr. John Bartunek


Spiritual Direction Questions, Part 3: When Do I Need Life-Long, Vocationally Based Spiritual Direction?

“It is irrefutable that every follower of Jesus needs spiritual direction in their lives according to the workings of grace, Divine providence, individual needs, and circumstances. There are scenarios where members of Christ’s faithful have a need for regular, consistent, life-long spiritual direction.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald


One-Time Spiritual Direction in a Retreat Setting

“Many of us will have the opportunity to experience one-time spiritual direction while on retreat. It can be valuable, but there are certain cautions that experienced directors offer about what to expect and how to make the best use of that single meeting.” – Claire Dwyer



“Running from pain causes us to develop internal coping mechanisms that atrophy our souls and wear at unsuspecting parts of our spirits.” – Megan Hjelmstad

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