Category: Rosary

The Blended Rosary: Intro and First Mysteries

“In the First Luminous Mystery, Jesus humbly and obediently repeats both consent and descent—this time taking His own deliberate step into the waters of the Jordan to be baptized, a sign He is willing to take on not only our physical condition but our spiritual condition as well. – Grace Abruzzo


Pray the Rosary with Us

“It’s become a tradition and one of our best-attended and most-loved events: The Rosary Crusade is back.” – Dan Burke


Call Your Mama

St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “The rosary is a long chain that links heaven & earth.” I feel this is true, but today I have started thinking of it as an old telephone cord. – Nicole Berlucchi


Exorcist Diary: Demons from Television

“After doing these exorcisms of a place for some years, I noticed a pattern. In places where there were televisions, regardless of which spiritual sensitive was present, he or she always noted a demon on the main chair in front of the TV.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti

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