Wow. The above was spoken in Philadelphia in 1976 by the future Pope St. John Paul II while he was visiting the United States, at the time as the Archbishop of Krakow. These prophetic words send chills down our spines, and for good reason. We are watching them play out before us like a scene in a well-scripted play. But we—all of us—were given a glimpse at the last page of that script at Fatima, and we saw this: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will Triumph.” Our Lady’s been promised a victory, but we are called to help bring it about, to rally under her banner and reclaim our world—which finds itself in the grip of this trial—for Jesus Christ. In that spirit, we ask you to gather with us, once again, for the 2nd Annual Rosary Crusade, Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, brought to you by the Avila Army. Last year over 10,000 registered. This time, we expect even more for this live, online event, featuring dozens of your favorite Catholic leaders including Cardinal Arborelius, Bishop Strickland, Lila Rose, and Curtis Martin. Every day we are receiving confirmations of more and more authors, speakers, and spiritual warriors who want to be present for one of the most powerful online events of the year. So please make plans to be there, too! This worldwide rosary will begin at 6:30 pm Central on October 7, 2022, on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, a day of special graces.
We are asking you to share this information with all of your praying family and friends. Imagine what will happen as thousands gather to pray with Our Lady’s weapon in hand! If you have a prayer group or bible study group, you are encouraged to gather together and watch, pray, and participate as a community. Make an evening of it! Will you register, and help us spread the word |
Thank you in advance and mark your calendars now!! Our Lady of Victory, pray for us! With you under her mantle, Dan and Stephanie Burke Unum est Necessarium Image credit: Unsplash |