The Seven Deadly Sins Part 2
If we find ourselves under the influence of one or many of the seven deadly sins, how can we break free and live virtuous lives?
If we find ourselves under the influence of one or many of the seven deadly sins, how can we break free and live virtuous lives?
Romano Guardini reflects on the self-offering of Jesus found in the celebration of Holy Mass in this excerpt from “Meditations Before Mass”.
“In abandonment, our great desires find their perfect fulfillment.” Read more from Fr. Jean C. J. d’Elbee’s reflections on St. Therese.
Holy Communion preserves and increases all the various virtues, which are bestowed upon your soul together with sanctifying graces.
Listen in as Dan Burke and Melissa Elson speak with Fr. Thomas Dailey about his book “Live Today Well: St. Francis de Sales’ Simple Approach to Holiness”.
Most of us aren’t lucky enough to be personally mentored by a saint, but we can seek guidance through spiritual reading.
Learn more about love and kinds deeds from Fr. Lawrence Lovasik, author of the bestselling book “The Hidden Power of Kindness.”
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on mystical contemplation and the gift of knowledge in this excerpt from his book “Fire from Above.”
Why does Christ seem, at times, to be absent, or sleeping, in our souls? Servant of God Luis Martinez reflects on Jesus’ very delicate work in us.
“At Communion you see Jesus with eyes of faith and your heart rejoices.” Read more from Fr. Lovasik’s book “The Basic Book of the Eucharist.”