Jesus: The Prophet
PROPHET “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.” In the darkest hour of the darkest century of human existence, one man single-handedly led
PROPHET “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.” In the darkest hour of the darkest century of human existence, one man single-handedly led
“Make your way in by the narrow gate.” Christ, our Lord, died for the salvation of all mankind, and we know from Scripture that it
To each man who lives in Christ all men belong, all love and wisdom and joy, all suffering and fear and atonement, all power and
His name will be Emmanuel: God with us (cf. Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23). If we understand the significance of this name Emmanuel, we will find
Looking for a good book? We’ve got some suggestions!
Our greater awareness of method and recourse to technology in theology today seems to be at the expense of prayer. Very few scholars teach or write as if they believe that contemplation is of any objective value to the theological enterprise or that mystical wisdom has any real importance for the life of the Church.
Sophia Institute Press has resurrected a classic book on St. John of the Cross and the journey to God – dive in and get a clear and sweeping view of the Mount he made famous.
Sophia Institute Press has resurrected a classic book on St. John of the Cross and the journey to God – dive in and get a clear and sweeping view of the Mount he made famous.
Connie Rossini’s new e-book is a go-to resource for many common questions about prayer.
In this chapter from her book “Fire of Love,” St. Catherine of Genoa reflects on the souls increased burning love for God triggered by their time in purgatory.