Category: Prayer

Patience…a Reflection on the Need to Trust the Slow Work of God

“Many of us may well wonder what harm could come from wiping out a few sinners from the face of the Earth or expelling a few more heretics. The Lord does not explain why but simply warns that hasty and severe actions may cause harm even to the wheat.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


Call Your Mama

St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “The rosary is a long chain that links heaven & earth.” I feel this is true, but today I have started thinking of it as an old telephone cord. – Nicole Berlucchi


Deepening Your Spiritual Life With Novenas

“The liturgical calendar creates a rhythm for our lives – seasons of feasting and fasting, and entering into prayer with a novena leading up to a feast day within those seasons can help us to encounter these feast days in a more active way.” – John-Paul and Annie Deddens


The Mysteries of the Angelus

“This seasoned exorcist told us that the first spiritual exercise he and the Doloran Fathers give to anyone suffering from spiritual affliction and seeking their assistance is the discipline of praying The Angelus at the three specified times daily.” – Ruth Engelthaler


Flos Carmeli (Flower of Carmel)

“If you want to know how we feel about Mary, our Mother, spend a few minutes reflecting on one of the most beautiful prayers ever written, the Flos Carmeli.” – Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles

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