The Divine Office: The Lyrical Song of Christ
“The Divine Office, then, is ” that hymn of praise” introduced by Christ to us from Heaven. It is His own prayer to the Father and He invites us to pray it along with Him.” – Denise Trull
“The Divine Office, then, is ” that hymn of praise” introduced by Christ to us from Heaven. It is His own prayer to the Father and He invites us to pray it along with Him.” – Denise Trull
“I want to personally invite you to join me, Stephanie, and a gifted lineup of speakers and spiritual directors and enter into Holy Week renewed and inspired by the sheer power of story.” – Dan Burke
“Let me share with you a few powerful ‘spiritual add-ons’ that tie in well with things you are doing already.” – Megan Philip
“It would be impossible to underestimate how revolutionary this way of thinking is and how contrary it is to the way of the world. For a Christian, one’s true self, their ultimate identity, has nothing to with one’s career, social status, ethnicity, or the many other external things the world often associates to be part of one’s identity, i.e., their true self.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Humbled, I recommitted to what I knew to be true: the spiritual life is better as a sit-down dinner than a drive-through. And in both eating and praying, I needed to allow myself the necessary luxury of slow.” – Claire Dwyer
“Anthony’s call was unique. It was special. But so is yours.” – Thomas Griffin
“In these holy parents, I discovered seven hallmarks: Sacramental Life, Surrender, Sacrificial Love, Suffering, Simplicity, Solitude, and the Sacredness of Life.” – Patrick O’Hearn
“The spiritual life, our relationship with God, is eternal and never-ending. Similarly, the Spiritual Exercises have no ‘end’.” – Debra Black
“In this new year, let us make room for Him through a strong commitment to daily prayer above everything else.” – Thomas Griffin
“Allow then these verses that speak of God’s Wisdom speak also of Mary who is “Seat of Wisdom” and, by God’s grace, a source of Wisdom for us who are all called to be formed into Christ.” – Monsignor Charles Pope