Mary, Teach Us How to Pray
What does Our Blessed Mother Mary teach us to pray? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects on how we can learn from her instruction.
What does Our Blessed Mother Mary teach us to pray? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects on how we can learn from her instruction.
Why should we have a devotion to the archangels? In what way do they help us? Find out from this adaptation of a treatise on the archangels from a spiritual director and preacher to Discalced Carmelites.
Why is our Blessed Mother Mary called Our Lady of Sorrows? Find out when St. Bernard of Clairvaux reflects on this liturgical memorial.
What does loving the Cross truly mean? Find out in a meditation by St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), OCD, on this Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.
Why do we honor and celebrate Our Lady’s name today? Find out in this adaptation from St. Alphonsus Liguori’s treatise on the most holy name of Mary.
What prayer postures are there besides kneeling, standing and sitting? After an introduction from Pope Benedict XVI, Dr. Anthony Lilles summarizes Saint Dominic’s nine ways of prayer.
How is the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor an icon of the religious life? Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles reflect on this reality.
Why do we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul today? Find out in this excerpt from a sermon by St. Augustine found in today’s Office of Readings.
Why does the Church celebrate the solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist? Find out in this excerpt from a sermon by St. Augustine, from the Liturgy of the Hours.
Do actions speak louder than words? On this memorial of St. Anthony of Padua, find out what this Evangelical Doctor of the Church has to say about them!