Conversion of Saint Paul
As we celebrate today’s feast, we need to be attentive to how St. Paul’s conversion and life are applicable to our own, from a homily by St. John Chrysostom.
As we celebrate today’s feast, we need to be attentive to how St. Paul’s conversion and life are applicable to our own, from a homily by St. John Chrysostom.
How do we honor Christ’s baptism? Find out in today’s second reading from the Liturgy of the Hours, an excerpt from a homily by Saint Gregory of Nazianzus.
What does the Epiphany mean? What 3 gifts does Jesus want placed before the manger? Find out as Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on this solemnity.
Today’s solemnity celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. How is she also our Mother as well? Find out what the Church says in today’s post.
What can we learn from Nazareth? Blessed Pope Paul VI explains what Jesus’ family can teach us on the Feast of the Holy Family today.
How does Herod pay homage to the Christ child? Saint Quodvultdeus reflects in an excerpt from a sermon by this bishop who was believed to be a spiritual student or “directee” of St. Augustine.
Verses from St. John of the Cross’ “Romances” form our Christmas meditation today.
Today’s solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is perfectly suited to the Advent season. Reflect with Liz Estler on short selections from “Divine Intimacy” and the “Liturgy of the Hours”.
On this Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Liz Estler explores what it means for Christ to be enthroned in our hearts.
What do the saints say about the Blessed Virgin as a young child and about her dedication to God? Find out what St. Alphonsus Liguori relates in the conclusion of this series on Mary’s presentation in the temple, today’s memorial celebration.