The Epiphany of the Lord
“O that all nations would acknowledge You for what You are, that all might prostrate before You, adoring You as their Lord and God!” – Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“O that all nations would acknowledge You for what You are, that all might prostrate before You, adoring You as their Lord and God!” – Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
What determines who are the saints we celebrate in today’s Solemnity? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
“The solemnity of the Corpus Domini [Body of the Lord] is not just the simple memorial of a historical event which took place almost two thousand years ago at the Last Supper; rather, it recalls us to the ever-present reality of Jesus always living in our midst.” – Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“Under the shadow of the Cross, the storm of secularism is not the last word about humanity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“What is it that can allow us as believers to set ourselves apart from unbelievers, whose only hope is in this world, so that we are able to stand up straight and to raise our heads in joyful expectation of our redemption?” – Fr. John Keehner
Why does the Church celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary today? Find out what Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen has to say in this reflection from the Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy.”
What can we learn from today’s Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary? Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
“Moving through the year in tune with the Church offers us a sacred rhythm that becomes the most fruitful path to encounter God and His will for us.” – Leila Lawler
There perhaps has been no time in modern history as the present where our personal holiness matters. We cannot delay in allowing God to transform us, to experience a sort of personal transfiguration.
Why did Jesus institute the Eucharist? Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.