On the Love of the Three Divine Persons for Man
On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, St. Alphonsus Liguori reflects on how each of the three Divine Persons has loved our frail humanity.
On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, St. Alphonsus Liguori reflects on how each of the three Divine Persons has loved our frail humanity.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson interview Christopher Carstens on participation in the liturgy and the beauty of the collect, or opening prayer, of the Mass.
On this first memorial of “Mary, Mother of the Church”, Dr. Peter Howard explains how the rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary brings peace to our families and our world.
Why do we need the Holy Spirit for our sanctification? Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen explains in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Liz Estler explains what aspirations are and how they help us to pray without ceasing. A collection of aspirations is included!
Dan Burke and guest host, Stephanie Burke, interview Christopher Carstens about his book “A Devotional Journey into the Mass” to help us discover the meaning and beauty of the liturgy.
A reader, praying the Litany of Humility for Lent, asks how they can be freed from the desire to be loved. Fr. John Bartunek responds.
Why has Pope Francis just instituted a new feast titled “Mary, Mother of the Church”? Find out more about this memorial to be celebrated immediately after Pentecost.
How can the tiniest attachment cause trouble for our souls? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explains in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
How is Jesus the first-born of all creatures? Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.