Am I experiencing intellectual gluttony? – Part I of III
Dear Father John, there is just too much to read! I feel like I should be reading more about my faith and the spiritual life, because
Dear Father John, there is just too much to read! I feel like I should be reading more about my faith and the spiritual life, because
Dear Father John, I am a priest providing spiritual direction to a young man suffering with anger problems. He has recently returned to the sacraments.
Dear Father John, in responding to questions on this forum, you’ve often said something like, “the interior turbulence that the situation is causing you is
by Kathryn Marcellino, OCDS With Halloween right around the corner, we might ask ourselves if demons and evil spirits are real? The Church gives us
Spiritual Warfare & Screwtape Letters: What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Hear With Halloween just around the corner you might be turning your attention
by Mark Shea Friday, October 29, 2010 Published with Permission National Catholic Register Come Sunday, we all celebrate Halloween again, that strange night of the
Dear Father John, Thank you for your excellent series on scrupulosity. I have a question that relates to it, namely the occurrence of “bad thoughts”
Dear Father John, I have been working on my prayer life consistently for a few years. During this time I have been on retreats and
Dear Father John, I have been working on my prayer life consistently for a few years. During this time I have been on retreats and
Fear the Devil or My Own Venial Sins? Dear Saint Teresa, which should I fear more, the devil, or my own venial sins? If this