The Rules of Discernment: A Practical Guide – Rule 5
“I began to feel unwell; a chronic illness flareup had come out of nowhere. By the next morning, I was doubled over in pain.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“I began to feel unwell; a chronic illness flareup had come out of nowhere. By the next morning, I was doubled over in pain.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“As we persevere against one desolation, it’s not uncommon for Satan to pivot and distract us with another.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Consolation increases our confidence in God and helps us to rely more on His unfailing strength.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“As we start responding to God’s “pricks” of grace and stop allowing unhealthy pleasures to rule over reason, we begin to overcome sinful enticements. In response, the actions of God and Satan seem to switch.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“St. Ignatius tells us that when we’re committing sin, Satan will try to keep us enslaved to ongoing sin by making it look attractive or feel good.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Saint Ignatius created the Rules of Discernment for us as a sort of spiritual ‘flare’ or night vision device to cut through the fog.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Consider whether God is calling you to add, subtract, shift, or simplify certain commitments so that you can meet Him with greater vulnerability and consistency.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Above all, we must recognize our own poverty when it comes to persevering through imperfection. Don’t let perfectionist expectations become the enemy of the good.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Running from pain causes us to develop internal coping mechanisms that atrophy our souls and wear at unsuspecting parts of our spirits.” – Megan Hjelmstad