St Peter of Alcantara and the Importance of Prayer
Who was St Peter of Alcántara? What did he have to say about prayer? Join Dan and Melissa as they begin a discussion of his book Finding God Through Meditation, and answer a question from a listener about prayer.
Topics/Questions covered in the show:
Do I really need to set aside a specific time for prayer every day?
- How do ascetical practices help us in prayer?
- Can we train our bodies to aid in our prayer lives?
- Why is morning the best time to devote to prayer?
- What if we don’t have time for prayer in the morning?
- What is Lectio Divina?
- Ways to get our minds oriented toward God.
- Does God call us to prayer? How do we recognize His call?
- What’s the difference between duty and devotion when it comes to prayer?
- How does spiritual reading improve our spiritual life?
- How did St. Teresa of Avila use the teaching of St Peter?
- Some background on the life of St Peter.
- Next time: Introduction to the book Finding God Through Meditation; and why St Peter is relevant today.
- Finding God Through Meditation – St Peter of Alcántara
- Finding God Through Meditation ebook – St Peter of Alcántara
- Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation
- EWTN Religious Catalogue – online
- 30 Days with Teresa of Avila – Dan Burke and Anthony Lilles
- Dr. Anthony Lilles
- The Book of Her Life – Teresa of Avila
- The Four Waters of Prayer, Part II of II – Post on by the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles
- First-Fruits – New Advent link
- Lectio Divina, A Guide – post by Dan Burke
- Psalm 63 – “O God, you are my God—it is you I seek! For you my body yearns; for you my soul thirsts…” – USCCB Bible link
- 1 Thessalonians 5:23 – “May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – USCCB Bible link
- Pilgrimage 2016 to Avila with Dan Burke and Teresa Tomeo (March 28 – April 4, 2016)
- Onething 2015 – Dan Burke speaking engagement, Kansas City (Dec. 28-31)
- To send questions about the 2016 Pilgrimage to Avila, click here:
For Call in questions for future shows 818-646-7729 Please leave your name, location and question(s).
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