Lectio Divina
“What the monks learned by experience was that such practices prepare the mind to receive special illuminations from Holy Spirit for purposes of understanding Scripture.” – Fr. James Brent
“What the monks learned by experience was that such practices prepare the mind to receive special illuminations from Holy Spirit for purposes of understanding Scripture.” – Fr. James Brent
“Mary gives us a perfect example of what our relationship with Scripture ought to be. It formed her thinking, her speaking, her praying.” – Gayle Somers
“Humbled, I recommitted to what I knew to be true: the spiritual life is better as a sit-down dinner than a drive-through. And in both eating and praying, I needed to allow myself the necessary luxury of slow.” – Claire Dwyer
Join us for Lectio Divina on the Gospels of Christmas!
Claire Dwyer talks with Jeff Cavins about how the Bible Timeline and The Bible in a Year began, what God is doing in the Church today, how knowing salvation history can deepen our prayer lives, and some exciting announcements about the future.
Dan Burke explains Lectio Divina.
David Torkington explains the journey of the heart to God through prayer.
Sonja Corbitt with a penetrating look at our present situation and a thought-provoking question: Have we gotten what we’ve prayed for?
Join Dan and Stephanie Burke as they answer your questions about the dark night of the soul, lectio divina, concentration during prayer and the differences between the purgative and illuminative stages of prayer.
In Part 12 of his prayer series, David Torkington discusses Lectio Divina, love, and some aspects of Christian meditation.