What does it mean to “offer it up”? Catholic Spiritual Direction Video

“Offer it Up”: What Does it Mean?

In this video, Fr. John Bartunek and Dan Burke talk about what it means to join in the redemption of Christ through suffering. If you are alive, you are suffering in some way. With this video you will gain perspective on that suffering and how you can use it to grow in your relationship with Christ and to aid others in their redemption.

How did Jesus save us?  Not by eliminating suffering in the world, but by giving it meaning. Father John discusses how we become members of the mystical Body of Christ at our baptism, and what uniting our suffering to the suffering of Christ accomplishes.    And, he also explains how we can “offer it up” … and whether or not we can offer anything, or if there is a limit, or threshold, of what we can offer.  He explains what the cross is and what that has to do with this topic.

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