Her Most Chaste Spouse
Fr. Boniface Hicks reveals how St. Joseph’s obedience protected the mystery of Mary’s virginity.
Fr. Boniface Hicks reveals how St. Joseph’s obedience protected the mystery of Mary’s virginity.
Debra Black reflects on how to make this Lent truly transformative.
These times call for extraordinarily courageous and generous hearts—and that means you.
How is the spiritual life like Candyland? Debra Black offers a reflection as we look forward to Lent.
“Learning to pray, learning to open ourselves to God, is like anything else: it needs practice and it takes time. There is no accomplishment of any worth that I know of that you can attain merely by desiring to have it.” David Torkington urges us to persevere and practice prayer.
Why is endurance so hard in the spiritual life? Debra Black shares some important insight.
I love resolutions. I make them every new year. I make them every birthday. I make them every Monday. Now that I’m doing a daily
Has the Avila Foundation blessed you this year?
Seeing Christ in others requires always seeking the good in them. We must do this by way of patience and humility.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on the idea of a true liberal arts education and the idea of an authentic Catholic University according to St. John Henry Newman and from his own experiences.