Love and Kind Deeds
Learn more about love and kinds deeds from Fr. Lawrence Lovasik, author of the bestselling book “The Hidden Power of Kindness.”
Learn more about love and kinds deeds from Fr. Lawrence Lovasik, author of the bestselling book “The Hidden Power of Kindness.”
Why does Christ seem, at times, to be absent, or sleeping, in our souls? Servant of God Luis Martinez reflects on Jesus’ very delicate work in us.
Find out why saints are often shown with skulls when Father John Bartunek explains the concept of “memento mori”.
What is the best way go about praying for someone, or some intention, which we’ve been asked to pray for? Dr. Joseph Hollcraft shares powerful advice on what we should keep in mind when interceding for others.
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen on how practicing the presence of God can help make continuous prayer possible, an excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Cheerfulness is a very great help in fostering the virtue of charity. Cheerfulness itself is a virtue. Therefore, it is a habit that can and should be acquired.
St. Francis de Sales reflects on the significance of peace of soul and humility in this excerpt from his book “Roses Among Thorns.”
Cardinal Van Thuan of Vietnam didn’t always think of his physical and spiritual trials as blessings. Find out more about this holy man who was declared “Venerable” by Pope Francis yesterday.
Servant of God Luis Martinez reflects on the importance of gentleness on the path to holiness in this excerpt from “Worshipping a Hidden God.”
What is the difference between divine and human mercy? How can we hope to increase God’s Divine Mercy towards us? Find out in this sobering homily excerpt from St. Caesarius of Arles.