Category: Mary

The Morning Offering: An Invitation to Intimacy

“In prayer, I began to feel convicted that He was asking more of me than simply offering my works and merits to Him. I felt a gentle stirring in my soul that He wanted more than the tasks I could give Him.” – Sarah Yurgelaitis


Exorcist Diary: Demons from Television

“After doing these exorcisms of a place for some years, I noticed a pattern. In places where there were televisions, regardless of which spiritual sensitive was present, he or she always noted a demon on the main chair in front of the TV.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


The Paradoxes of Christmas

“There are many paradoxes and seeming impossibilities in the Incarnation. They cannot be fully solved, so they claim our reverence.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


St. John Paul II and Pastoral Ministry as a Gift

“We all know how important the Totus Tuus Marian consecration was to JP II.  But what’s striking here is what he identifies as the most pressing reason for him to make this total entrustment to our Lady.  He wants to be sure in ministry that he truly receives others as a gift.” – Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer


Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Why does the Church celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary today? Find out what Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen has to say in this reflection from the Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy.”


Marian Consecration at the Foot of the Cross

At the moment when our salvation is being accomplished by Jesus on the Cross, Jesus says to his Mother, “Woman, behold your son!” and he says to his beloved disciple, “Behold your mother!”  Is this not the first total consecration to Mary our Blessed Mother? 


Prayerfully Climbing Mount Carmel

As we climb in faith the mountain of Carmel and the mountain of the Cross, we ask Jesus through the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel that we may be given the grace to fight the battle of prayer with fidelity and trust.

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