Category: Mary

Mysticism and the Machine: Mysticism and Magisterium Part V

Is the liturgy a grace machine? Fr Angelo Geiger brings the words of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) and Cardinal Robert Sarah to bear as he examines this question in part V of his Mystery and Magisterium Series and how the Blessed Virgin Mary is key to better appreciating the sacraments and the liturgy.


“Maiden of the Lost Ark”

Why has the Ark of the Old Testament been lost? Who is the “Maiden of the Lost Ark? Dr. Peter Howard explains how these themes figure in today’s feast.


Hail Holy Queen

What does the Blessed Virgin Mary do all day as our Mother in heaven? Learn from Dr. Peter Howard what the Church, Venerables Fulton Sheen and Pius XII have to say about her Queenship and what that means for us.

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