Category: Meditations: Seasonal

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

“The solemnity of the Corpus Domini [Body of the Lord] is not just the simple memorial of a historical event which took place almost two thousand years ago at the Last Supper; rather, it recalls us to the ever-present reality of Jesus always living in our midst.” – Fr. Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen


So Close: The Breath of God

“I’ve often had the sense of being called “into the deep.” But at this point more than ever I saw that I could not go alone: to swim safely in the deep, I had to remain in the arms of the Father.” – Grace Abruzzo


Preparing for Pentecost with Mary

“As the Father and Son are completing the Paschal Mystery and preparing to give them the Holy Spirit, it is Mary who is preparing her children for this great event.  And of course, what she does with them is what she wants to do with us.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock


The Risen Lord Present in the World Today

“How is the Risen Lord present to us?  He is not simply present in the world – one presence among other presences.  He is present to the world through His mystical body holding the whole world together.” – Dr. Anthonly Lilles


Refocusing on the Ascension of Jesus

“The Ascension of Jesus reveals that while our existence necessarily involves this present world, it most certainly does not end with this present world.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald


Fixing vs. Facing

“It is only when we face the fuller depths of our humanity – in all its beauty and brokenness – that we can die with Christ and rise with him.” -Fr. Derek Sakowski


The Holy Crown of Thorns

“When I adorn Jesus with my love and my brokenness, he can transform me into a saint by His grace – a living mystery of the presence of He who is the Divine Bridegroom of my soul.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald


Paschal Triduum

In the Sacred Triduum, “Jesus transforms our human experience. He willingly enters the depths of human drama and human trauma, conquering every single moment with perfect love.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski

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