Concupiscence – Navigating the Interior Life Spiritual Dictionary
CONCUPISCENCE: Insubordination of man’s desires to the dictates of reason, and the propensity of human nature to sin as a result of original sin. More
CONCUPISCENCE: Insubordination of man’s desires to the dictates of reason, and the propensity of human nature to sin as a result of original sin. More
CONFESSION – DEVOTIONAL: The practice of regular confession even when one is not aware of mortal or even venial sins. This practice includes setting and
APPETITES – DISORDERED: Inordinate and willful desires of created things or circumstances not rightly ordered to moral or spiritual good that impede union with God
Teologia Ascetica – Diccionario Espiritual Teología Ascetica – Diccionario Espiritual: La ciencia de los santos a base del estudio de sus vidas. Tiene el propósito
Apego Apego: Una dependencia emocional, de una persona u otra para otra persona, o de una persona para un objeto real o ilusorio. Apegos representan
Aridez Espiritual Aridez: El estado de una alma sin consolación sensible, que hace que el alma tenga muchas dificultades en rezar. Puede ser causada por
ASCETICAL THEOLOGY: The science of the saints based on a study of their lives. It is aimed to make people holy by explaining what sanctity
ATTACHMENT: An emotional dependence, either of one person on another, or of a person on some real or illusory object. Attachments play an important role
ARIDITY: Aridity is the state of a soul devoid of sensible consolation, which makes it very difficult to pray. It may be caused by something
APOPHATIC SPIRITUALITY: The spirituality of the mystery of God as something we cannot picture or imagine because God is always greater than us. It acknowledges