Imperfections – Navigating the Interior Life Spiritual Dictionary
IMPERFECTIONS: Deficiencies of character that, although not as serious as mortal or venial sins, are nonetheless obstacles to attaining Christian perfection and union with God.
IMPERFECTIONS: Deficiencies of character that, although not as serious as mortal or venial sins, are nonetheless obstacles to attaining Christian perfection and union with God.
FORMATION: The act or process of developing someone in all realms of human experience but in particular those that help the human person come to
PARTICULAR EXAMEN: Regular prayerful examination of one’s conscience by concentrating on some one particular moral failing to be overcome or virtue to be exercised. Its
EXAMEN: Reflection in God’s presence on one’s state of soul that has some reference to a specific adopted standard of conduct (i.e. Rule of Life
Doctor of the Church DOCTOR of the CHURCH: A title given since the Middle Ages to certain saints whose writing or preaching is outstanding for guiding
EXAMEN – PARTICULAR: Regular prayerful examination of one’s conscience by concentrating on some one particular moral failing to be overcome or virtue to be exercised.
DISPOSITION: A quality or condition of a person necessary for the performance of some action or of preparation for an encounter with the mysteries of
INTENTION: An act of the will tending effectively to some good, proposed by the mind as desirable and attainable. It differs from simply willing, which
DETACHMENT: In asceticism the withholding of undue affection for creatures for the sake of the Creator. When mortal sin is involved, detachment is imperative for
CONSOLATION: An interior movement aroused in the soul, by which it is inflamed with love of its Creator and Lord. It is likewise consolation when