Category: Devotions

A Sip of God’s Glory

“There’s nothing like sitting in the same room as God and feeling him look back at me to show what’s really valuable in my life and what’s not.” – Rose Folsom


Life By A Thousand Aspirations

“If a thousand small cuts can rob a man of his breath, it should follow that the so-called ejaculations of praise, petition, adoration, and thanksgiving for a Christian can help lead a man to life.” – Rob Marco


Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Why does the Church celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary today? Find out what Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen has to say in this reflection from the Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy.”


Art that Draws us to God

Dan Burke contemplates the artistry of Seraphym Designs’ exquisite rosaries, a beautiful way to commemorate Mary’s month of May, Our Lady of Fatima’s 100th anniversary, and the upcoming celebration of Mother’s Day too!


Novena To St. Gemma Galgani

“To the Flower of Lucca, who chose me, an unworthy sinner, and graced me with the gift of your love…” – Join us in the Novena to St. Gemma!


The Antidote for Death: Living Bread

“In this Sacrament, He can even baptize us in deep silence until our whole being joins the hosts of heaven in the aching joy of hymns of praise.” Dr. Lilles continues a series on the Real Presence.

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